Double first place in the 28th edition of the Transport Forwarding Logistics (TFL) ranking went to Raben Group. Number one overall and first place in the category of logistics services. At the same time Fresh Logistics Polska received a distinction in the road transport category. The ranking was prepared by Gazeta Prawna Daily under the factual supervision of the Warsaw School of Economics.
Raben Group has been at the top of this ranking for many years. The company is the largest transport and logistics operator in Poland, where it has been providing its services for more than 30 years. Raben originates from the Netherlands and has been operating in the European market for more than 90 years. Today, the Group has branches in 15 European countries and continues to rapidly expand its network of international and domestic connections. It has around 1,600,000 m2 of warehouse capacity, employs 11,000 people and puts 13,500 trucks on the road every day. Thanks to all this, the company can offer services tailored to the needs of diversified customers.
The award was accepted on behalf of Raben Group by Łukasz Michałowski, International Distribution Director, Raben Logistics Polska, and on behalf of Fresh Logistics by Robert Kozak, Regional Sales Manager, Fresh Logistics Polska.
Instead of the expected economic stabilisation, the past year brought further challenges. Despite this, it went down as another successful year in Raben Group's more than 90-year history. Entering the fifteenth European market, increasing employment, investing in fleet and infrastructure were all part of measures focused on maintaining a high quality service. In addition, we undertook ambitious sustainability and digital transformation projects in order to respond flexibly to the changing needs of customers. Receiving the distinction in the TFL Ranking confirms that Raben Group has chosen the right development strategy and maintains a strong position on the Polish market – says Łukasz Michałowski, International Distribution Director, Raben Logistics Polska.
The awards in the TFL ranking have been presented by Gazeta Prawna Daily for the 28th time. The winners were selected in six categories: road freight forwarding, sea/ocean freight forwarding, road transport, logistics services, warehousing services and according to the dynamics of TFL revenues. The ranking was supervised by the Warsaw School of Economics. Seventy-five companies for which TFL activities form their revenue base took part in the 28th ranking.
The awards were presented at a gala held on 23 June in Warsaw.
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