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Fresh logistics

Always fresh, always on time

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Comprehensive logistics services for fresh products that require the right temperature are a task only for professionals. Responsibility, timeliness and expert knowledge combined with a passion for logistics are a guarantee of freshness and good quality of products on shop shelves.

We connect food producers with their customers, inland and abroad. We are not only the key link in the fresh supply chain but also a creator of solutions that optimise and improve logistics processes of every unit participating in the product's way “from farm to the fork”.

Fresh logistics services at controlled temperature are provided by Fresh Logistics Polska.

Any questions?
We are at your disposal !
Contact with us !
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Pszczyńska 312
44-100 Gliwice
+ 48 32 33 76 400
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Transportowa 6
05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki
+48 22 364 04 00
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Metalurgiczna 34
20-234 Lublin
+48 81 535 84 00
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Wojska Polskiego 161
18-402 Łomża
+48 86 216 14 07
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Firmowa 5
62-023 Robakowo
+48 61 898 84 00
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Pomorska 71-73
70-812 Szczecin
+48 91 460 21 00
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Serwisowa 7
83-000 Wojanowo
+48 58 524 84 05
Fresh Logistics Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Chomicza 13a
55-080 Nowa Wieś Wrocławska
+48 71 323 67 80
Find out more about our solutions