The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) achieved by Raben Polska in the latest Customer Satisfaction Survey was 79%. The company also measured the recommendation or loyalty index, more commonly known as the Net Promoter Score (NPS). In order to test it, the Customers were asked one question: would you recommend Raben Polska to other companies, acquaintances or friends as a logistics service provider? The NPS for Raben Polska was 27. The average NPS of American brands falls within the range of 5-10, whereas the NPS of Apple reaches 66.
Each year Raben Group conducts Customer Satisfaction Survey in order to improve the offered services. This survey, conducted at the end of 2013, had a special character. For each completed questionnaire in 10 countries of the Old Continent Raben Group donated minimum 1 Euro to the locally selected non-governmental organisation. In Poland the amount for completing almost 600 questionnaires was donated to the Partnership for Road Safety Association. In this way the company supported My First Car Seat campaign which promotes safe transport of children in car seats. The latest version of the on-line questionnaire allowed for saving 6,000 sheets of paper."Measuring satisfaction and loyalty is an essential element of functioning of service providers in today's world. Listening to Customers offers access to first-hand information. Their opinions are the best tool which can influence the improvement of quality and motivate us to introduce new solutions. Additionally, loyalty surveys have allowed us to recognize the elements which our Customers find positive. One could say that the NPS survey gave use motivation to continue work in the right direction. In 2013 we measured loyalty for the first time but we will continue such research this year and also in the future. The only thing which is missing is the possibility of comparing our results with the results of the sector and results of individual competitors. Such analysis would definitely be interesting, educational and motivating for further work. That is why we openly talk about our results hoping that we will not be alone and other logistics companies will start the NPS dialogue, or perhaps some independent research agency will take up this topic…" – comments Katarzyna Ostojska, Research and Market Analysis Manager.The highest notes in the survey were given to sea and air freight with the CSI index of 88%. Next was Contract Logistics with a high CSI score of 86%. After that was contact with Customer Service Department with the CSI of 84%, financial settlements and invoicing, as well as cooperation with drivers, which received the CSI of 83%."In order to increase the satisfaction of our Customers we immediately launched the process of streamlining our processes and operations. In order to improve the claim handling process, we have opened a special tab on our website with frequently asked questions about claims. Right now the Customers also have the possibility of filing claims on-line. To improve contact with Raben Group we opened new websites with a dedicated Customer Zone in which they can find both fuel and currency adjustments, as well as the Integrator application for placing orders” – comments Janusz Anioł, General Director of Raben Polska.The NPS (Net Promoter Score) has been developed by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix. It is believed to be the most popular method in the world to "measure" Customers' loyalty.CSI - Customer Satisfaction Index