Raben Group is the laureate of the Master of Innovative Transformation competition organized by the ICAN Institute in the category of Technology and the Organization. The chapter of the competition has acknowledged the Manager of Choice development project involving over 1000 managers from 13 European countries.
The aim of the second edition of the competition organized by the publisher of the “MIT Sloan Management Review Poland” was to identify leaders of digital change - companies and individuals responsible for the initiative and implementation of technological projects with a significant impact on the organization, the market, and the environment. The chapter, consisting of outstanding experts and practitioners from the world of technology and business, awarded distinctions in 3 categories: Technology and the Market, Technology and the Organization and Responsible Technology. The award ceremony took place on 21 April 2021 during the MIT Sloan Management Review Poland Congress, and the statuette in the Technology and the Organization category was presented to Raben Group. This category recognized projects related to the technological evolution of processes inside the company, which significantly increased the efficiency of the organization.
The experts acknowledged the Raben Group's Manager of Choice development program, in which 1000 key managers from 13 countries where the Group has its depots faced various tasks in the area of best managerial practices. The gamification was divided into 5 stages directly influencing employee experience: recruitment, onboarding, development, daily work and leaving the organization.
“The aim of the undertaken activities was primarily to change attitudes and to develop sensitivity in managers towards aspects related to team management. As the HR department, we see every day that managers have taken deeply to heart everything they learned during the program. The process changes within the organization have produced tangible results, and the presented award is a confirmation that the Manager of Choice has been successful.” - comments Anita Koralewska-Ratajczak, Head of Group HR.
New technologies are increasingly influencing the way businesses operate every year. Transforming a company's internal processes is a necessity to build a competitive advantage in the market, especially in the face of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. The way in which an organisation faces new challenges depends largely on its formal and informal leaders, the change-makers who set the pace for change with their commitment and passion. That is who the Manager of Choice is.
For more information about the program, visit:
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Klaudyna Polanowska - Skrzypek
PR Manager
+48 61 898 8307